The World of Smart ID Solutions


Berlin I 20. – 22. Januar 2025

Infineon Technologies AG

Infineon Technologies AG is a world leader in semiconductor solutions offering the industry’s broadest portfolio addressing the need for security in the connected world.
In an increasingly digital world with more and more connected devices, people want to interact and communicate in a secure way that protects their data against theft and misuse. Securing electronic devices and infrastructures is a number one priority. Addressing this need for security is one of Infineon’s key competencies.
With more than 30 years of experience in the security market, Infineon offers tailored and ready-to-use security solutions serving a wide range of applications from smart cards, passports and vehicles to new and emerging applications like the Internet of Things.

Application examples:
Securing eGovernment: Security solutions for electronic ID applications
Protecting smart factories: High-quality ICs and state-of-the-art encryption technologies for highly secure M2M communication
Safeguarding connected vehicles: Advanced security solutions for connected mobility
Security for the smart home: Easy to integrate security solutions to protect privacy and against malicious attacks
Building trust in security: Hardware-based security solutions for reliable device authentication, trusted computing and secure communication

At Infineon, more than 50,000 people from over 100 countries work together at more than 70 sites around the world (as of Sept. 2021) toward one mission: to make life easier, safer and greener.


Infineon Technologies AG
Am Campeon 1-15
85579 Neubiberg (near Munich)

+49 / (0)89 / 234 – 802 17

Kontakt: Elena Kartmazova