The World of Smart ID Solutions


Berlin I 22. – 24. Januar 2024

Picture of Dr. Christoph Glingener
Chief Technology Officer, ADVA Optical Networking SE

Dr. Christoph Glingener joined ADVA Optical Networking in April 2006, assuming responsibility for all global research and development activities at sites in Europe, the United States, China and, more recently, the Middle East. In 2007, Christoph was appointed CTO. Since that time, he also leads ADVA Optical Networking’s product management and advanced technology teams. Christoph has focused on streamlining ADVA Optical Networking’s product portfolio, defining the product strategy and building the group’s standing as a global innovator in optical networking. Strategic partnerships and mergers & acquisitions are an integral part of this strategy. Additionally, in January 2015, Christoph took on responsibility for global operations, enabling ADVA Optical Networking to integrate research and development, new product introduction and global operations into a unified development operations team. Christoph’s activities at ADVA Optical Networking build on a long and successful industry career with experience gained in both academic and corporate roles. These include leading positions at Marconi Communications (now Ericsson) and Siemens Communications (now Coriant).