The World of Smart ID Solutions


Berlin I 22. – 24. Januar 2024

Picture of Dr. Gisela Meister
DIN/DKE Gemeinschaftsgremium Cybersecurity

Dr. Gisela Meister works as Senior Security Adviser on behalf of Eurosmart, whom she represents in the European Multi-Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardization and in the European Expert Group on Radio Equipment (RED). In this latter role, she has been a member of the CEN/CENELEC JTC 13 WG 8, on the development of security related Harmonised Standards as well as representing and chairing the joint DIN/DKE Cybersecurity committee. Within ETSI TC Cyber she has been engaged in the development and maintenance of the consumer IoT standard series EN 303645 especially as Rapporteur with ETSI TC Cyber regarding the development of the Technical Standard TS 103701 “Cyber Security Assessment for Consumer IoT”. Previously, Dr. Gisela Meister has represented Giesecke+Devrient in various international bodies as Standardisation Director and headed up the company’s R&D Technology Consulting Department. She earned her PhD in mathematics from Hagen University and graduated in mathematics and economics from the University of Münster, Germany. Gisela has received the SIT Fraunhofer Smart Card prize 2004 and engages herself in several conferences and program committees regarding Cyber Security, e.g. the German BSI’s annual IT-Security Congress and the ID:SMART Workshop.