The World of Smart ID Solutions


Berlin I 22. – 24. Januar 2024

Picture of Nikolaus Trzeschan
Vice President Products & Solutions für die DACH-Region, Mastercard

Nikolaus Trzeschan is Vice President Products & Solutions for Germany, Austria and Switzerland at Mastercard. In this role, he has been responsible for the development and implementation of the product strategy in this region since 2023. In addition to cared products, this also includes digital solutions and cyber & intelligence products. Together with his team, he drives the market launch of new payment flows and products such as Delegated Authentication, Open Banking and Click to Pay, among others.

Nikolaus joined Mastercard Advisors in 2019 and initially advised financial service providers and their IT service providers on topics related to strategy, technology and payments. In 2022, he assumed responsibility for Mastercard’s core product strategy in Germany as Head of Core Products. Previously, he held various positions at Europe’s leading loyalty program Miles & More, part of the Lufthansa Group, ranging from managing strategic projects to overall commercial and operational responsibility for the retail department. Nikolaus graduated from the University of the German Armed Forces in Munich with a degree in Economics and Organization and holds a Master of Engineering.


Digital Payment

FORUM 18-C | LECTURES Payment-Perspektiven – national und international

In Deutschland ist die girocard nach wie vor die am meisten genutzte Zahlungsart. Deshalb arbeitet die Kreditwirtschaft intensiv daran, sie fit für das digitale Zeitalter zu machen. Unterdessen will die European Payments Initiative (EPI) mit ihrer Wallet wero die Unabhängigkeit Europas im Zahlungsverkehr stärken. Im Januar 2025 werden erste Praxiserfahrungen vorliegen.
Im Firmenkundengeschäft sind oft Lösungen gefragt, die eine möglichst große internationale Abdeckung bieten können. Mastercard verfügt über das erforderliche weltweite Netzwerk.

Frank Braatz (Moderation)
Chefredakteur Source, B + B Redaktionsbüro
Burcin Berk
Leiterin Zentrales Firmenkundenmanagement TxB, DZ BANK AG
Christopher Kirsch
Head of product development for girocard, EURO Kartensysteme GmbH
Nikolaus Trzeschan
Vice President Products & Solutions für die DACH-Region, Mastercard
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