The World of Smart ID Solutions


Berlin I 22. – 24. Januar 2024

Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin

The Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin is an independent, industry-oriented research institute for digitization and cyber security. We develop interdisciplinary strategies and solutions for shaping and mastering the continuing process of digitization.

We are convinced that the future of Europe’s digitization lies in purposefully connecting technical innovation with sustainable implementation strategies for business and society, while designing cybersecurity resilience and preserving digital human rights. This is where we make our contribution.

Our interdisciplinary work is based on sound technical analysis and implementation capabilities. We derive technological options and embed new technical solutions in economic, political and social strategies. Our European perspective celebrates our liberal social system and advocates for the strengthening and consolidation of technological sovereignty across government, industry, and civil society.

Through research, consultation and dialogue we are supporting Digital Strategy developers and decision-makers in government and industry alike. We conduct commissioned research on cyber security and digitization, investigate new technological approaches to digital controllability, and support research for German digital industrial initiatives.

With all of this, we aim to augment and strengthen the ability of the leading decision-makers to plan and act strategically at such a pivotal time in our digital history.

Our team combines many years of practical senior experience in business, politics, administration, and NGOs with academic excellence. Through affiliates, cooperation, and joint projects we are part of an international network of renowned academic institutions.


ESMT Berlin
Schlossplatz 1
10178 Berlin

+49 / (0)30 / 212 31 – 0

Kontakt: Martin Schallbruch