Brasil Telecom Launches 3G Network with Gemalto’s USIM Cards

Benjamin Binet, Gemalto’s Vice-President of Marketing for Latin America explains: „“Our USIM technology enables Brasil Telecom 3G users to roam in any 3G network available around the world, thanks to a new software feature. In addition, USIM cards provided by Gemalto support future applications such as multimedia content distribution, mobile TV access and mobile payment.““ The USIM cards provide mutual authentication between the user and the network, a security feature particularly important in mobile broadband connection, which allows mobile Internet users to perform their transactions in a safer manner. Benefits are that voice and data traffic is encrypted in the 3G network, preventing unauthorized parties from seeing the content. This security feature is especially important for financial transactions and corporate activities. Roberto Rittes, Brasil’s Telecom Director of Mobile Operations and Business Development adds that „“the USIM also offers a better address book than GSM network SIM cards, enabling the user to store more data, such as name, address and many contact telephone numbers, text messages (SMS) and other information. USIM cards are more secure and will improve our service business thanks to the improvement on the data transfer capacity.““ 

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