Contactless Smart Cards Being Utilized as City Card in Southern China

By waving their Wuhan City Card before the card readers, the citizens will enjoy the tap-and-go payment for buses, light railways, state-owned merchants, public utility, taxi, parking, library and many others within this year. All the convenience is brought by Watchdata’s contactless card TimeCOS® FLY that has been adopted by several cities with 10-million scale smart card projects including Singapore, Beijing, Shenzhen and many others. Wuhan City Card Co. is the sponsor of the whole contactless payment project in Wuhan. Talking about the cooperation with Watchdata this time, Mr. Hu Zhiwen, chairman of WuhanCity Card Co., was quoted as saying, “Watchdata certainly gives a very fast and efficient response to our request during a very short time.” “The efficiency is based on our 11 years of experience in smart transportation all over the world. To date, we have shipped 30 million contactless cards for over 30 cities all over the world,” Mr. Lin Lifeng, Watchdata product director said. Security is another reason that Watchdata’s TimeCOS® FLY has been adopted this time, since it has passed the highest chip security test, CC EAL5+ and the e-purse/deposittest for bankcard by the Bankcard Testing Center, the most authoritative third-party testing center inChina. Accordingto Mr. Hu Zhiwen, Wuhan City Card is part of building a digital Wuhan City that is supposed to be an information platform for the government to gather data for their policy decisions. By the end of this year, 4.5 million Wuhan City Cards will be issued, with up to 500 matching top-up stations. 

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