European Payments Council: Preventing Card Fraud in a Mature environment

Since the inception of its card program, the EPC has identified card fraud prevention as one of its top priorities together with the SEPA card standardisation program. The EPC Card Fraud Prevention Task Force was established in 2003, and from the very beginning included non-bank stakeholders. It was also at that time that the EPC committed to migrate all SEPA cards and terminals to chip and PIN based on global EMV standards by the end of 20101. Nearing the completion of this migration, the European market will soon be in a mature chip and PIN environment. Challenges, however, still remain: for example, card fraud using the old magnetic stripe technology outside of SEPA has to be addressed and security in the area of e-commerce needs to be improved. In light of these facts, the EPC plenary is requested to approve a new Resolution “Preventing Card Fraud in a Mature environment” that was extensively discussed with various market participants in the EPC Cards WG and Cards Fraud Prevention TF and in a dedicated Forum in last June. You can find the text of the resolution here: Resolution of EPC 

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