Eurosmart anticipates another year of growth

In 2009, major milestones were achieved by all major market segments: Telecom • In addition to its successes as a service platform for 2G and 3G networks, the UICC (SIM cards) is now part of the LTE (4G) plans with early deployments. The multiplication of connected devices (cell phones, netbook PCs, GPS) and the emergence of NFC (contactless) will continue to fuel the growth of the Telecom segment in both volumes and value. • The anticipated migration to 3G for key markets like China will bring a very positive impact to our industry. • The Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications market experienced its early wins in 2009 in areas like automotive diagnostics. Financial Services & Retail • Contactless Payment cards continued to be adopted worldwide, bringing Banks, Retailers and Transport operators to develop innovative co-branded programs. • EMV migration programs have been multiplied in 2009, in anticipation to the EMV adoption mandates in the medium term. Government& Healthcare programs • Government Identity and travel documents continue to go digital worldwide, opening new opportunities to develop services for citizens leveraging on these infrastructures. Memory cards now represent a small portion of our industry and do not have a significant impact both on volumes and revenues. It demonstrates that, in addition to materialize Security, Smart Secure Devices are personalized “computers” ideally suitable to enable a secure and trustworthy ICT experience for Billions of citizens around the World. Eurosmart anticipates that the industry will grow thanks to those e-Services that will need to connect citizens and their service providers with Security, Convenience, Privacy and Trust. Please follow the link to find tables showing the worldwide volumes shipments in Millions Units (Mu) for both 2009 and 2010 by market segments and furthermore the portion of those that are contactless cards Tables 

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