Eurosmart welcomes new member with focus on the Internet of Things (IoT)

Sanoïa provides e-health solutions for patients suffering from chronic diseases and helps them to better communicate with health professionals. Sanoia has been working on the deployment of connected objects for two years in order to efficiently accompany patients.

The IoT is revolutionizing the way we perceive the world. Smart devices such as health solutions, smartwatches, fitness trackers or data glasses will be connected to each other and to the mobile network. „The IoT will make mobile security even more complex. Managing eHealth solutions requires a strong legal and technical framework to ensure high standards of data protection,” said Timothée Mangenot.

Hervé Servy, Strategic Advisor of Sanoia, looks forward to joining Eurosmart in order to share expertise on the security of sensitive data : „the EU must push forward the EU-wide interoperability of eHealth solutions. In addition, looking at the demographic and chronical disease challenges in the EU, we expect the European Commission to provide a sovereign framework that furthers innovation, competitiveness and confidence in the eHealth sector“.

As the Internet of Things is rapidly expanding, Eurosmart is launching a new committee specialising in the IoT. The committee will consolidate the expertise of its members and channel the Eurosmart positions into the political discussions that are just beginning at the European level.


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