Gemplus Joins 3G Americas’ Board of Governers

Chris Pearson, President of 3G Americas remarked, „“We are pleased to welcome Gemplus to our membership. With their leadership role in smart card technology solutions, Gemplus brings a new area of expertise to our Board. As content and applications for wireless data become a larger revenue source for GSM operators in the Americas, the strategic involvement of Gemplus will be mutually beneficial. „“ „“As a pioneer in the wireless smart card industry, Gemplus provides a wide range of products and solutions for GSM wireless telecommunications,““ stated Jean-Louis Carrara, Vice President of Marketing and Technical Consulting, North America for Gemplus. He added, „“With our expertise and worldwide experience in 3G, Gemplus will be able to contribute to the goals of 3G Americas and work with its leading operator and vendor members to highlight new and exciting wireless services and applications to customers throughout the Americas. Gemplus is a strong contributor to the 3G standardization bodies and is the only smart card manufacturer present in all commercial launches of 3G GSM networks to date.““ 

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