Neuer eGovernment-Ansatz in EU gefordert

Aus dem Bericht: „“The vision that should drive future actions should be the creation of an interoperable European framework for identity management. The aim should be to create an interoperable solution for authentication on a pan-European level. Whether the authentication device is a smartcard, software token or an embedded chip, and whether the authentication service provider is a government entity, a bank or a telco, should make no difference.““ „“Interoperability through harmonization across the EU is required. However, the involvement of the respective governments should be technically neutral and be limited to correcting a level playing field and avoid unnecessary regulation of payment products in order not to inhibit innovation. „“Harmonization at the European level of the conditions, relating to the right to provide payment services to the public, and establishment of the principle of mutual recognition should enable and stimulate the cross border use of pan-European payment solutions.““  

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