Report “eID in South-East Asia” anticipates over 470 million ID documents in 2017

According to Smart Insights Report „eID in South East Asia“, this market is to deliver a steady growth over the period, reaching over 71 million ePassports and more than 350 million eID cards installed in 2017. In addition, around 70 million driver´s licenses will be in issue. This Smart Insights Report delivers an analysis of the drivers for the establishment of eID projects in South East Asia. It also includes a detailed analysis of each project as well as market data and forecasts. Finally, „eID in South East Asia“ Smart Insights Report includes information about standardization and vendors profiles.

„A characteristic of the Region is the wide spread in terms of market maturity between different countries, some of them having a full set of eID projects, and others just starting future development plans for ePassports“, said Artur Khakimov, industry analyst with Smart Insights and author of the report.

„Observers of the secure transactions industry know eID projects in South East Asia for long. Nowadays, projects become more and more innovative, and the Region is one of the most dynamic in the world for eID projects“, added Thierry Spanjaard, CEO of Intelling, and head of Smart Insights Reports.

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