STMicroelectronics Announces the Establishment of the Corporate Executive Committee

The establishment of the Committee is a new step forward in ST’s ongoing succession plan announced on March 15, 2004, subject to approval by the Company’s shareholders at the 2005 Annual General Meeting. The members of the Executive Committee are: • Carlo Bozotti, incoming President and Chief Executive Officer • Alain Dutheil, incoming Chief Operating Officer • Enrico Villa, for the Sales and Marketing organization • Laurent Bosson, for Manufacturing and Technology • Philippe Geyres, for the Product Groups • Carlo Ferro, as Chief Financial Officer and representing also the Corporate Infrastructure and Services Organization • Andrea Cuomo, as Chief Strategic Officer and representing also all other Staff functions The Corporate Executive Committee is chaired by Carlo Bozotti or, in his absence, by Alain Dutheil, and will meet regularly throughout the quarter to discuss major company-wide strategies and programs. Corporate Vice Presidents who are also members of the Corporate Executive Committee will be titled Executive Vice President. 

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