Thales Becomes GlobalPlatform Member

“We have been tracking the development of the TEE over recent years as we recognize the technology has the potential to revolutionize mobile device security,” comments Joan Mazenc, Head of Hardware Security Assessment Team at Thales ITSEF. “We plan to use our extensive security evaluation experience and position as a CC approved laboratory to support the association’s drive towards standardizing the security level of TEE.”

Thales assisted GlobalPlatform in gaining its CC recognition and is now focusing its activity on supporting the development of the GlobalPlatform TEE security evaluation secretariat, due to launch later this year. This work will define the security testing infrastructure and test plans that laboratories will need to comply with to certify TEE products on behalf of GlobalPlatform. Additionally, the new member is participating in the work of the GlobalPlatform Device Committee, with particular focus on the activity of the TEE Security Work Group.

“Thales’ membership comes at a time of rapid advancement for the organization,” adds Kevin Gillick, Executive Director of GlobalPlatform. “Thanks to the TEE PP, we have defined the security rules for TEE products to comply with to ensure that services such as premium content and mobile wallets, or enterprise and government secure mobility solutions are protected appropriately. While laboratories licensed by supporting national Certification Bodies can now test against GlobalPlatform TEE PP, we are keen to provide a global testing infrastructure that gives all service providers confidence that products have achieved the recommended level of security. The GlobalPlatform TEE security evaluation secretariat will achieve this by supporting the CC infrastructure with more laboratories in more countries, ensuring close proximity to all TEE manufacturers.”


The GlobalPlatform TEE PP defines the level of security required in a TEE, a secure area that resides in the main processor of a mobile device, ensuring that sensitive data is stored, processed and protected in a secure environment. The document identifies the security needs of the TEE to support different market requirements by combining the standard security methodology outlined by CC, with the best practice specifications as defined by GlobalPlatform in relation to TEE architecture and interfaces.

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