TSYS Celebrates 10 Years of European Processing

In the following years, TSYS has continued to grow its European business while ensuring the delivery of excellent services to its clients. A state-of-the-art data centre was built at Knaresborough, UK, to offer centralised European processing while UK and Dutch contact centre facilities allow TSYS to offer a full end-to-end managed services proposition. The acquisition of Card Tech Limited increased the product range and client base and allows TSYS to offer both outsourced processing solutions and a licensing option in Europe. In the past decade, TSYS’ presence has continued to grow and TSYS now processes in excess of 40 million accounts and in excess of 1.2 billion transactions from its UK data centre, serving in excess of fifty clients across 22 European countries. TSYS now employs more than 1,000 team members in Europe from 10 locations. “The 10 year anniversary marks a significant landmark for the TSYS enterprise,““ said Gaylon Jowers Jr., President, TSYS International. “It is the end of one stage of our successful evolution and the beginning of the next stage of our growth, further cemented by the recent appointment of Bob Evans as managing director, Europe.” “TSYS has come a long way in Europe in the past 10 years and every team member should be very proud of what we have achieved together,““ said Bob Evans, managing director, Europe, TSYS. “Europe remains a key market for growth and we will continue to develop our European footprint.” www.tsys.com 

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