Gemalto full year 2009 results

Basic data: • Full year revenue at € 1654 million • Operating margin improvement, with all segments reporting profits • Adjusted operating income of € 182 million before special provision of € 11 million • € 381 million net cash position, with operating activities generating a record € 200 million • Dividend of € 0.25 per share will be proposed to shareholders at next AGM Olivier Piou, Chief Executive Officer, commented: “In the very adverse 2009 economic environment Gemalto further improved its profitability. Strong focus on value creation for our customers and operational efficiency translated into meaningful gross margin improvements. We demonstrated again our ability to generate strong cash flows. And we will propose at the upcoming shareholders’ meeting the first dividend distribution in our history. The return to a positive trend in the fourth quarter is a good sign for the start of our 2010-2013 Development Plan.” For details please visit: Full year results 2009 

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