Eurosmart General Assembly confirms the Industry ambitions

The General Assembly was the opportunity to welcome 6 new members: As Executive Members • LFoundry, a European specialist for foundry services and joint technology, covering the whole chain of the industry, from advanced research to manufacturing • Electronic Marin, a subsidiary for the Swatch Group, active in semiconductors since 1970, more specifically in the field of Smart Cards As Active Member • Prooftag, a French company specialized in the securization of official documents and products using proprietary chaotic elements now referred as manufactured biometrics As Associated Member • Fraunhofer Institute (Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT), Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization As Individual Members • Bernard Morvant, independent consultant, expert in smart secure transaction solutions • Jonas Andersson, working on smart cards as ID documents and the use of biometrics At the General Assembly, Eurosmart has increased the final figure for shipments in Telecom market segment in 2010 to 4.2 billion; thereby bringing the total shipment of microcontroller based Smart Secure Devices to above 5.5 billion in 2010. While it is still early days to make a final forecast for 2011, the organisation feels confident that the 6 billion bar will be crossed. All the segments show double digit volume growth again this year (for more information please see links below). Analysis of major growth drivers: Telecom • Despite even higher deliveries than anticipated in 2010, Eurosmart still expects around 10% SIM shipments growth in 2011 due to the continued strong growth in India, Indonesia, China and Brazil • The global trend for mobile financial services increases the need for security, and demand for higher end products • M2M generates great interest, especially in the automotive and smart metering verticals Banking-Retail • Worldwide EMV migration continues to sustain strong growth, in particular in Latin America and Asia • Security needs fuel the global migration to DDA • Strong dual interface (contact & contactless) cards growth. NFC development will participate to this trend. Government ID-Healthcare • Increasing deployment of eID cards and the European Resident Permit • Developing countries benefit from eID for welfare management, census and voting Contactless • Strong dynamism of NFC in 2011, with multiple commercial deployments happening worldwide. Eurosmart will update its market forecast for 2011 in September. • Growth of dual interface (contact & contactless) is higher than pure contactless. • American contactless cards issuers are reviewing their future product roadmap linked to the ongoing EMV migration discussion. More information Worldwide Smart Secure Device shipment – 2010 and 2011 forecasts Activity Report 

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