Morpho and CASSIS International team up to offer end-to-end NFC solution

Thanks to the PPSE mechanism enabled by Morpho and CASSIS, users can define their default payment card and manage it through the Mobile Wallet application. This process, along with changing, installing or removing secure mobile applications, is being secured and updated by CASSIS’ Trusted Service Management Solution, which is compliant with all of Morpho’s NFC products. The various NFC payment trials that have been deployed so far have clearly demonstrated that mobile payment is a key application for consumers and plays a major role in making NFC services successful. Up to now, different payment applications from different banks and payment schemes were not able to coexist and be interoperable. With most consumers in Western Europe holding more than one card, most banks offering various card bundles or differentiated use cases supporting all the major payment schemes, this was a growing source of frustration for both banks and consumers and a blocking point for the acceptance of NFC services. From June to December 2010 EMVCo published a set of key guidelines and specifications that define the basis for the consumer user experience, payment interoperability and multi-application between payment schemes and banks. This not only allows seamless interoperability of NFC payment on a worldwide basis but also enables the support of multiple cards from different banks and payment schemes in one secure element with an adapted, consumer-grade user experience. Morpho and CASSIS International are offering the first NFC payment solution compliant with these EMVco requirements in a comprehensive end-to-end offering integrating all the elements required for an issuer to release commercial NFC payment services: • Support of SWP SIM cards and bridge devices (including SIM-based flex and active stickers), • Support of different provisioning models (with a focus on IP channel and SIM BIP OTA), • Set of GUIs supporting handset and SIM applications for the Issuer Payment Application and Global Wallet application, • Certified TSM solution and mobile payment card application, • Collateral back-office elements like EMV Counter Manager, EMV Scripting Gateway Prepaid Top-up, etc. to roll out innovative and differentiated services. The support of additional elements will come along in 2011 with integration of most smartphones as they support NFC or integrate NFC-enablers, support of Global Platform Amendment C multi-application environment when SIMs are ready, and development of the latest releases of payment scheme NFC applications. 

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