Muliapplication ID Card for Boeing Corporation

In the years to come, Boeing Corporation will be issuing over 200,000 smart ID cards to employees in over 70 countries around the globe in subsequent phases. The first rollout involves U.S.-based staff being issued with an ID card for performing digital signing and encrypting of e-mails as well as secure log-on to the company’s Windows2000 computer network. Boeing’s phased approach will eventually result in all staff using the smart card which supports a wide range of applications, including biometrics-based access control to company premises and electronic payment in cafeterias and at vending machines. Bell ID’s web-based ANDiS© Card & Application Management System (CMS/AMS) provides Boeing with one central management tool for the life cycle of all cards and the supported applications, complying with the highest possible security standards and with GlobalPlatform specifications. The ANDiS© CMS/AMS interfaces with the current badging system enabling visual identification by means of cardholder’s personal data and a photograph printed on the surface of the card. CMS/AMS also enables Boeing to download digital certificates and to provide cardholder service desk functionality over the web. Siemens is the prime contractor for this Boeing project and provides project management and system integration services. Together with Gemplus and Bell ID to provide a best-of-breed solution to a best-of-breed customer, for which Luxembourg-based Gemplus delivers middleware components and the smart cards.„;“2003-09-09″;“2003-09-09 11:44:39“ 

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