Eric Vétillard is voted new Technical Chair of Java Card Forum

Eric is the Chief Technical Officer at Trusted Labs, a Trusted Logic company that specialises in security services. He joined in 2000 as a senior technical architect and was appointed CTO in 2004. He began his career in the smart cards industry in 1997, in Gemplus’ Advanced Research team, where he was involved in the early developments of Java Card™ technology. Eric has been involved in the JCF since its inaugural meeting in 1997 as an active Technical Committee member. Speaking following his appointment, Eric restated the values established by his predecessor over the past nine years and pledged to continue: “Our common driving force is the success of Java Card technology, and not of individual companies. I will continue to ensure the JCF remains a neutral area where new technologies are defined and the products of individual members are not promoted. I will continue to encourage the participation of all our members and ensure that our work is forward-thinking and relevant for the future success of Java Card.” Frank Edme, head of the Business Committee commented: “I am delighted to see that someone with such technical experience in Java Card technology has taken the chair of the Technical Committee. This is particularly important at this time, as we are finalising the industry recommendations for the Next Generation Java Card specifications.” 

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