Jean-Pierre Savare and the members of the Board of Directors warmly thanked Mr Barberis for the work that he has performed in the last few years alongside Mr Savare, Chairman. “Oberthur Card Systems is one of the world’s leading providers of card-based solutions. With his expertise and know-how, Pierre was able to provide assistance with the development of our businesses and markets, while guaranteeing our clients security and quality of service. We are pleased that he is accepting the assignment that we are offering him,” commented Mr Savare. The Board of Directors has co-opted Xavier LAFONT, formerly of BNP Paribas, as an independent director to replace Mr Barberis. A meeting of the Board of Directors will be convened in December 2006 to decide on the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer, already selected by the Remuneration and Appointments Committee, and who will take up office at the beginning of January 2007.
Ein neuer Digitaler Ausweis-Service ermöglicht die vollautomatisierte Identifikation und Legitimierung von Sparkassen-Kunden innerhalb kürzester Zeit. Entwickelt wurde der Service von der S-Markt & Mehrwert. Die Pilotierung und Einführung wird…