The high level of demand for 128k cards underscores the growing trend among operators to deploy a more diverse range of services to their subscribers, using large capacity SIM cards which boost ARPU (Average Revenue Per User/subscriber) and increase customer loyalty. The Usimera 128K card offers full Java Card interoperability and improves time to market for service deployment. It has been designed to support advanced applications such as enhanced phonebooks, organizers, games and information on demand. The card also contains convenient features like bookmarks and e-mail addresses, and familiar services like soccer results and weather forecasts. The card’s high capacity gives end-users the ability to choose their own content and fine-tune their card to access services. Furthermore, the card’s advanced functionality provides increased security and new, innovative mechanisms for mobile telecom operators, such as applets that can be digitally signed and then downloaded to the card in the field using greatly reduced bandwidth. Consequently, operators can roll out new services to customers in minimum time and at a reduced cost. The 128K cards also provide customer authentication on all GSM and W-CDMA (2G and 3G) networks.
Ein neuer Digitaler Ausweis-Service ermöglicht die vollautomatisierte Identifikation und Legitimierung von Sparkassen-Kunden innerhalb kürzester Zeit. Entwickelt wurde der Service von der S-Markt & Mehrwert. Die Pilotierung und Einführung wird…