Gemalto Electronic Health Cards Successfully Tested by German Authorities

The implementation of the smart health card is actually the most important project for the modernization of the public health system in Germany and also the largest project based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology in the world. It involves 80 million patients, 188.000 doctors and dentists, 2,200 hospitals and 21,000 pharmacies. Gemalto was awarded the tender by AOK in July 2007 to supply and personalize 35 million e-health cards for their insured in Germany. The pilot region of Ingolstadt in Bavaria is one of seven regions in Germany in which tests started to check the interrelation of the e-health card (eGK) with other components of the extensive telematic infrastructure. In this test in Ingolstadt, up to 10.000 insured, 30 doctors, 16 pharmacists and two hospitals are actually participating and the tests run through several phases. The e-health card in combination with the doctor’s health professional card works as a key function once the eGK enables the access to medical data securely stored in the system. Thanks to the e-health card, the German health system will be updated with the latest information and communication technology. The e-health cards in Ingolstadt provided by the AOK Bavaria are mainly delivered by Gemalto with personalization services in the Gemalto plant in Filderstadt near Stuttgart. “These tests are crucial to the further roll out of this ambitious program”, comments Georg Steck, Project Manager at AOK Bavaria. “What is at stake with this program is key to the future of the German healthcare system as a whole; we’re talking about improving service to patients, improving quality in medical care, giving patients greater role and responsibility and more benefits. The new electronic health card is addressing all these needs, so we take the necessary steps to successfully reach that goal. And we are happy to see that the cards in the field have been successfully tested.” 

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