Morpho selected to supply SIM cards to Telefónica and Telenor Group

Sixteen countries (14 in Latin America and 2 in Europe) will be supplied with Morpho technology. The contract covers a range of form factors including standard SIM cards, 2FF, 3FF and the 4FF Nano SIM for the latest smartphone deployments. With this new contract, Morpho’s SIM cards are now available in all the Latin American countries where Telefónica is present.

Morpho is building a strong relationship with Telefónica, which will benefit from Morpho’s global account network. This provides strategic leadership and coordination at a global level while keeping very close contact locally.

Morpho will support Telefónica in the most efficient way through its global network of SAS approved manufacturing sites around the world. SAS (Security Accreditation Scheme) is a voluntary GSMA scheme through which suppliers subject their production sites and processes to a comprehensive security audit.

The company furthermore has been selected by Telenor Group as a new supplier of SIM cards and related value-added applications and services. As a result of a qualification and selection process, Telenor has refreshed its Global Partners list by signing a Global Frame Agreement with Morpho. This will enable cooperation with Telenor operating units across Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Serbia, Montenegro, Hungary, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Morpho has great experience with major mobile network operators (MNOs) in all kinds of security management solutions for value-added services and SIM cards. With its extensive knowledge in the area of digital identity and its widely used Trusted Service Management (TSM) solution, Morpho masters the whole ecosystem to provide the right global offering for its customers.

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