SIMalliance Announces New Board

The two annual, rotating SIMalliance Board seats, which are open to all SIMalliance members and which were voted for by members present at the recent General Assembly, have been filled by:

  • Michele Scarlatella, Central Marketing Director, Incard Division, MMS Group, STMicroelectronics
  • Alencar Nunes da Silva Junior, Telecom New Business, Products and Solutions Superintendent, VALID

Michele and Alencar will both serve a one year term.

Frédéric Vasnier, SIMalliance Chairman, comments: “The global SE market is moving at a very fast pace, with continuous developments in technology and infrastructure, applications, use cases and security requirements. As the global authority on the SE, SIMalliance aims to promote an open SE ecosystem; as such, the Board will play an active role in steering the output of the working groups over the next twelve months to achieve this. Over that time period, the organisation will continue to focus efforts on delivering free-to-download technical specifications, recommendations and white papers which will facilitate and accelerate the delivery of secure mobile applications globally.”

In 2013, SIMalliance has already made significant progress towards its goal of an open SE ecosystem:

The organisation’s Open Mobile API, which offers a standardised way of connecting mobile applications with all SEs on a device regardless of SE form factor, has been referenced by the GSMA and is currently implemented in more than 100 models of Android NFC smartphone.

The UICC LTE Profile released in January, which outlines requirements for optimal support of LTE/EPS networks by the UICC, has already been widely used among mobile network operators in North America.

The UICC Device Implementation Guidelines paper, which was launched in June, outlines fundamental and optional UICC features device vendors need to support to optimise UICC interoperability in future devices.

“We have ambitious plans to further SIMalliance’s output in the year ahead,” continues Frédéric. “Work is currently underway to expand our Stepping Stones Document series, which outlines best practices for the development of interoperable USIM, NFC and SE applications and we have other projects in the pipeline relative to M2M and mobile internet security. We also seek to further our industry collaboration, to ensure that SIMalliance continues to address relevant market requirements and reflect the most advanced technical evolutions.

“Strong leadership is fundamental to SIMalliance’s plans for growth and progress. With such an experienced, committed and active Board in place for the next twelve months, I am confident that SIMalliance will optimise the growth of the market by encouraging all players within the ecosystem to work together in an open environment.”


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