Gemalto selected for Algerian ePassport

The embedded Sealys eTravel software is ICAO Common Criteria certified and achieves industry-leading speeds for both personalization and secure data access. As a result, the Hôtel des Monnaies de la Banque d’Algérie will benefit from improved personalization performance and cost reduction of ePassport issuance. In addition, Gemalto’s Sealys eCovers meet the high durability and quality requirements of the Algerian program, thanks to their excellent wear resistance over the life time of the ePassport.

„We needed a reliable partner to ensure that the ePassports are delivered as quickly as possible to citizens throughout the country,” stated the Hôtel des Monnaies de la Banque d’Algérie. “Gemalto has the global experience and service level, including redundancy production capabilities, to enable us to perform the smooth issuance of the documents in all phases of the program.“

„The worldwide conversion from paper identity documents to eDocuments is continuing and Gemalto expects that over 50% of passports in circulation in 2017 will embed a microprocessor,“ said A. Bouzbib, Senior Vice President of Government Programs at Gemalto. „Algeria is following this worldwide trend and Gemalto’s global experience will allow the Algerian authorities to realize their goals within the shortest possible timeframe.“

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