Swiss Post Solutions Joins OSPT Alliance

The CIPURSE standard offers an advanced foundation for developing highly secure, interoperable and flexible transit fare collection solutions. “We are currently evaluating our products and services to understand the benefits the CIPURSE standard will bring to our clients, especially for e-ticket Germany,” comments Ulrich Dreefs, Head of Business Development Cards, Swiss Post Solutions. “We consider that the OSPT Alliance offers a viable, long-term opportunity for the global transportation industry and will help Swiss Post Solutions to further develop our role in the sector. This in turn will help us meet our objective to expand our transit offering into international markets.”  

“We are delighted to welcome Swiss Post Solutions to our membership,” adds Laurent Cremer, Executive Director of OSPT Alliance. “With its increasing interest on the transport sector, the work it is undertaking with e-ticket Germany, and its desire to help the industry work towards developing an internationally interoperable standard, Swiss Post Solutions will bring an interesting new perspective to the alliance.”


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