Mobile Payments Drives Growth for Bell ID

The expansion of the business has also required growth in team headcount, with additional support added across all areas of the business. In order to accommodate and facilitate this growth, Bell ID has invested in larger office facilities in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

“Google’s inclusion of HCE in Android KitKat 4.4 kicked off a period of intense activity and innovation in mobile payments,” comments, Pat Curran, Executive Chairman of Bell ID. “The payment schemes confirmed support for HCE and payment tokenization with the development of specifications and, in 2014, EMVCo came forward to define the role of the token service provider. And the bar was raised with the launch of Apple Pay. We were ahead of the curve and were among the first to launch a HCE and tokenization mobile payments platform. We are now seeing the benefits of our hard work with many live implementations worldwide today.”

“This is a great moment for Bell ID,” adds Pat. “We have grown with the industry, carrying smart card expertise gained since 1993 into our mobile payments, HCE and tokenization solutions. It is this trust and experience, combined with the technical innovation behind our latest solutions that is creating this demand. We are now positioned for more growth over the coming years and have a strong, experienced team in place to drive further mobile payments advancements in 2015 and beyond.”

Bell ID’s headquarters in Rotterdam supports the regional Bell ID offices in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Bahrain and Australia. Bell ID operates across the mobile near field communication, EMV, identity and transit markets.


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