Gemalto is world’s first vendor to receive complete MasterCard approval for Cloud Based Payments

The MasterCard certification is granted following extensive functional evaluation and security testing. The certified Gemalto components perform the functions defined by MasterCard as Account Enablement System (AES), Credentials Management System (CMS), Transaction Management System (TMS) and Mobile Payment Application (MPA). This completes the certification obtained in December 2015 for the SafeNet Luna EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) Payment HSM (Hardware Security Module) protecting the processing of payment transactions and digitization of credit card credentials.

Gemalto’s suite of products allows banks to seamlessly issue digital versions of their payment cards to their HCE-based payment apps as well as partner wallets from device manufacturers, mobile operating system providers, and mobile network operators. Issuers and processors can opt for a fully outsourced cloud service operated from Gemalto’s data centers or an on-premise instance of the platforms.

„The consumer lifestyle is increasingly defined by the ubiquitous smart phones and tablets and there’s an ever-growing appetite for secure mobile payment,“ said Jean-Claude Deturche, Senior Vice President of Mobile Financial Services for Gemalto. „Gemalto’s MasterCard-approved suite of Cloud-based payment solutions opens another flexible and highly efficient route into this fast-growing market, securely located under the broad umbrella of our proven Trusted Services Hub, the Allynis TSH.“

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