Effective e-Passport validation to prevent terrorists crossing borders

“55 of the 57 OSCE participating States issue e-Passports, however, only 24 are members of the PKD and Tajikistan is not part of them,” said Elizabeth Abela Hampel, Deputy Head of the OSCE Action against Terrorism Unit. “Joining the ICAO PKD is a proactive approach in fighting international terrorism and preventing the cross-border movement of terrorists because it allows for a fast and effective multilateral validation that an ePassport is genuine.”

Since the adoption of the OSCE Ministerial Council Decision in 2009 on promoting the ICAO PKD, HJP experts supported similar workshops in Albania, Armenia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. “Tajikistan is issuing a high-quality e-passport. It is a great pleasure for us to assist Tajikistan in preparing to join the ICAO PKD,” said Markus Hartmann, Managing Director at HJP Consulting and PKD expert.


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