Giesecke & Devrient and M2MD Technologies Form Strategic Relationship

G&D and M2MD are cooperating to deploy a Communications Gateway that will join M2MD’s proprietary security and quick connect solutions with the robust capabilities of G&D’s SIM. “The partnership of M2MD and G&D brings together innovative solutions, deep expertise, brand strength and global relationships to solve these critical industry challenges,” said Chuck Link, President and CTO of M2MD Technologies. “The Communications Gateway will be architected with the most progressive technology available and customized specifically for the connected car.”

Automakers will benefit from the partnership which joins the expertise from the M2MD innovations with the proven security solutions from G&D. “We can significantly impact the security of the vehicle while positively enhancing the customer experience with a much faster connection,” said Scott Marquardt, President of G&D’s US Mobile Security business. “We are excited to work with M2MD to deliver solutions that strengthen the automakers telematics solution and are more cost effective to operate.”

The Communications Gateway is expected to launch in early 2017. As the connected car expands globally, the companies expect to offer the Gateway in other markets as well.

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