IDEMIA taps Fingerprints for Japan’s first biometric payment card trial

“Japan is renowned for early adoption and, with this initiative, it is once again leading the way in launching the latest digital payment technologies. The ongoing EMV® migration ahead of the 2020 Olympic Games makes it a perfect testing ground for PIN-less, painless and secure contactless payments,” comments Thomas Rex, SVP of the Smartcard Business Line, Fingerprints.

IDEMIA’s F.Code solution, replaces PIN or signature authentication with a fingerprint. This delivers greater security without impacting the frictionless payment experience of contactless cards.

“Everyone can benefit from these new cards,” adds Thomas. “Banks can reduce fraud and grow trust to retain and attract customers. For retailers, streamlining the authentication process with biometrics can achieve higher customer throughput and reduced drop-outs, increasing revenues. Importantly, too, the cards work and are processed the same way as standard contactless cards, with no upgrades required to existing acceptance infrastructure.”

The trial is using a FPC1300-series sensor, has ultra-low power consumption, superior biometric performance, a key requirement for handling both contact and contactless transactions.

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