Eurosmart welcomes the European Commission proposal to boost the EU cybersecurity industry by the creation of a Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre

As stated by the proposal for a regulation, in order to ramp up the EU cyber resilience, efforts must be made to bring together the industry and the research in the field of cybersecurity. Eurosmart is proud to contribute to both side and to be part of the 660 cybersecurity expertise centres on which the proposal is built on.

Eurosmart as a founding member of the European Cybersecurity Organisation (ECSO), has been contributing to the very first European initiative bringing together the research, SMEs, industry, European regions and public-sector communities in the field of Cybersecurity” said Stéfane Mouille, Eurosmart President. Through this new proposal the European Commission intends to enhance this Public-Private partnership and to put Europe in a “position to autonomously secure its digital assets”.

Europe must boost its cybersecurity industry in order to compete on global security market. According to the Draft Final Report on the Cybersecurity Market Study, Europe is a net importer of cybersecurity products solutions and depends on non-Eu providers. The European Digital Security Industry represented by Eurosmart may be the only one exception of the Cybersecurity Industry, being a global leader in the exportation of secure elements. Our industry will continue to contribute to the enhancement of the European Cybersecurity competitiveness by fully exploiting its assets and unique know-how such as the Ethical hacking when evaluating cybersecurity products.

The newly created European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and the Research Competence Centre, together with the Cybersecurity competence network are expected to facilitate standardisation and certification process and more particularly in the light of the Cybersecurity act. Eurosmart recommends an enhanced collaboration amongst all the involved parties and urges to keep the State-of-the-Art (SOTA) on Cybersecurity in the EU certification framework, to capture the moving target. When it comes to standardisation, a further collaboration with the European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs) must be clearly established and more specifically with those of their working groups dealing with the EU Cybersecurity Certification Framework.

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