Founder of Bell Group acquires Bell ID

Bell ID was founded in 1993 and acquired in 2000 by Bell Group plc, the security business built by Mr Curran and listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1999. In June 2004 Bell Group was acquired by Securitas AB, with Mr. Curran remaining actively involved in the management of the Group, including Bell ID. While numerous parties expressed interest in acquiring Bell ID, the management gave its exclusive support to the agreement with Mr Curran, believing that it ensures Bell ID’s stability and long term future as an independent company. Under the new structure Mr Curran will become Chairman of Bell ID, with the existing long-standing management team remaining in place. Igno Peters will remain as Managing Director and Erik Vermeer as Technical Director. Martin Cox will take the role of Sales Director, with Erik Wellen becoming Head of Professional Services and Oliver Burke General Manager of Partner Management, Business Development and Marketing. Under the agreement, the entire team has committed to remain with the company for an undisclosed number of years. 

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