“This award comes at the end of Gemalto’s successful completion of an extensive qualification process,” commented Ernie Berger, president of Gemalto North America. “Winning this contract gives us enormous satisfaction and we look forward to delivering the first electronic passports to U.S. citizens, as we fully support the GPO in this essential global security initiative. These new passports will greatly enhance the travel experience for U.S. citizens by providing effective, efficient and rapid passage through border control points with an additional element of security.” esaby@axalto.com www.gemalto.com
Ein neuer Digitaler Ausweis-Service ermöglicht die vollautomatisierte Identifikation und Legitimierung von Sparkassen-Kunden innerhalb kürzester Zeit. Entwickelt wurde der Service von der S-Markt & Mehrwert. Die Pilotierung und Einführung wird…