Alex Mandl Appointed Non-Executive Chairman of the Board of Gemalto

Mr. Mandl’s mandate as executive chairman of the board of Gemalto, which began on June 2, 2006 ended on December 2, 2007. The board is pleased to be able to capitalize further on the knowledge and experience of Mr. Mandl within the Gemalto Group, which is of particular added value for Gemalto and its stakeholders. As of today, the board of Gemalto is composed of one executive board member, Mr. Olivier Piou, chief executive officer, and of nine non-executive board members. Mr. Mandl served as president and chief executive officer of Gemplus from September 2002 until June 2006. Formerly, he was chairman and chief executive officer of Teligent, a company he started in 1996. He also previously served as president and chief operating officer of AT&T, with responsibility for long distance, wireless, local communications and Internet services, and as chairman and chief executive officer of Sea-Land Services, Inc., the world’s leading provider of ocean transport services. Mr. Mandl is a board member and member of the audit committees of Dell Computer Corporation and of Horizon Lines, board member and member of the compensation committee of Hewitt Associates and board member of Willamette University. 

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