Android app for cultural participation adds new dimension to NFC

NXP Semiconductors together with start-up U-Approach, is providing visitors of the STRP Festival in Eindhoven – one of Europe’s largest art and technology festivals – the ability to use smartphones equipped with Near Field Communication (NFC) to interact with its cultural exhibits. Using a new Android app, visitors can get detailed information about the exhibited artwork, simply by tapping an NFC-enabled smartphone over an NFC tag, triggering a synthesized voice message. The mobile app also allows people to ‘love’ an art work (with up to five ‘hearts’), tag it with a keyword, and share it via social media. Works of art tapped during a visit can be converted into a personalized poster, combining collaboratively created visitor opinions. In this way, the Android app encourages cultural participation, enriches the festival experience, and introduces a new dimension to NFC.
View the video demonstrating the NFC app for cultural participation at STRP Festival 2011:

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