Atos Origin full year 2010 result

Thierry Breton, Chairman and CEO of Atos Origin said: “In 2010, we achieved our objectives and exceeded the high end of our operating margin guidance. This result clearly shows that we are ahead in the TOP Program. This positions the Group in the best conditions to boost the integration of Siemens IT Solutions and Services (SIS) by accelerating the implementation of TOP² Program in the future New Company. We will continue to invest in sales, innovation and talent, for the benefit of our customers, while driving out costs and increasing our profitability thanks to a further acceleration of TOP and the expected improvement of SIS. We are confident in 2011 and beyond.” For the second year, the TOP Program contributed significantly in 2010 to the improvement of the Operating Margin. In the tough economic environment of the last two years, TOP Program, the transformation plan of the Group, largely contributed to the increase of the Operating Margin from 4.8 per cent in 2008 to 6.7 per cent in 2010. This performance was reached despite an overall declining market. As part of the TOP Program, the Group implemented in 2010 several initiatives to increase revenue and return to growth under its TOP sales projects. It also reinforced its corporate responsibility through the Sustainability program and achieved the B+ level for its first GRI report. Finally, the Group continued to attract and retain key talents while implementing new ways of working through its program for “Well Being at Work”. Detailed Results 

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