Atos Origin preliminary Revenues for 2005

The Group recorded strong revenues in the final quarter of 2005, in spite of concerns expressed in November 2005 about slightly weaker revenue performances in several business units. Consequently organic growth reached 8% for the year as a whole, slightly better than the Group’s most recent objective. Total Group revenues for 2005 amounted to EUR 5,459 million. In 2004, Atos Origin reported revenues of EUR 5,302 million under French GAAP. The Group has reported under IFRS for the first time in 2005 and has therefore restated the 2004 comparative by eliminating nil margin pass-through revenue, which amounted to EUR 53 million in 2004. This relates mainly to the provision of media content by Atos Worldline in France. Reported Group revenues in 2005 were therefore 4.0% higher than the comparative pro forma revenues of the Group in 2004 under IFRS. In the past 24 months, the Group has disposed of a number of businesses, which removed exactly EUR 200 million from the comparative revenue base – mainly the Nordic business in June 2005 and the Cellnet business in the United States in July 2004. Exchange rate movements resulted in a positive adjustment of EUR 4 million on a comparable year-on-year basis. The constant scope revenue figure for 2004 under IFRS was therefore EUR 5,053 million and reported revenues of EUR 5,459 million in 2005 represent organic growth of 8.0%.  

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