BankID deploys Gemalto’s Valimo Mobile ID solution nationwide in Norway

The Valimo Mobile ID solution is a leading mobile identity authentication and mobile digital signature software. The addition of Mobile ID to the existing BankID online services infrastructure delivers new standards of convenience for Norwegian citizens when using mobile phones and mobile devices to access banking or to digitally sign transactions. For banks and other providers, the arrival of a Mobile ID option for BankID offers all the advantages of a unified and readily available route to market for secure mobile services.

Working seamlessly with all the mobile apps offered by the leading banks in Norway, Valimo’s Mobile ID solution is characterized by a straightforward registration process that can be completed in minutes. Almost a million Norwegians are now employing the BankID system for secure online authentication, of which nearly 40% are using the Mobile ID app.

„With Mobile BankID, mobile phone users are now capable of performing any banking transaction on the go,“ said Nils Inge Bruberg, strategic product manager for the BankID system. „Many were already using the certificate scheme that was developed for electronic banking, but the arrival of Mobile ID has doubled the average number of transactions per user to 12 per month.“



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