Bell ID launches ANDiS4Mobile solution

ANDiS4Mobile© is a scalable solution addressing management requirements for roll-outs with secure applications for large quantities of mobile subscribers. Based on the ANDiS platform, Bell ID has created a set of ANDiS components providing network operators, service providers and mobile hardware device manufacturers and/or trusted third parties the means to manage the life-cycles of SIM applications and associated cryptographic keys. ANDiS4Mobile© loads applications and keys over the air (OTA) directly onto the SIM of a mobile device. The solution supports delegated management of applications, provides automated mechanisms to exchange information between issuer and the application host systems and prepares all the required subscriber-specific data required to personalise a secure mobile application and load it onto a phone. “ANDiS4Mobile© doesn’t replace elements in an existing mobile infrastructure. It simply provides the right tool set required to issue secure applications for mobile devices. Secure applications, such as EMV payment applications, are bound to standards and subject to very high security regulations. There is a big difference between loading a ringtone or a contactless electronic purse to a mobile device. ANDiS4Mobile© addresses these issues and helps overcome challenges with the technology and standards”, says Oliver Burke, General Manager Marketing and Partners at Bell ID. 

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