Bell ID Launches Secure Element in the Cloud

Bell ID’s SE in the Cloud software has already been commercially deployed. It provides the functionality to complete (EMV payment) transactions through a remote SE using a standard contactless terminal and acceptance infrastructure. When a consumer makes a transaction, their NFC credential is accessed from the remote cloud SE after which the appropriate command is generated and sent back through the mobile device to the point-of-sale terminal. The data is presented in the same format as that used in standard card-present transactions. The solution can also pre-authorise payments, allowing consumers to make transactions even when a connection to the server cannot be established.

David Orme, CEO at Bell ID, comments: “By moving the SE from a physical device to a remote environment, application issuers are able to directly provision their applications to an SE. This enables them to take full control of their relationship with the customer and ensure a consistent brand and user experience across all available channels and services.”

The direct access offered by the new software to the SE also supports instant fraud detection and allows immediate blocking of an application when necessary. Additionally, having the SE in the cloud increases computing power and storage in comparison to a physical SE. This provides more options regarding advanced on-device risk management, as well as the ability to support virtually any number of NFC services.

Pat Curran, Executive Chairman at Bell ID, concludes: “With our SE in the Cloud software, we offer an easy, affordable and flexible alternative to the complex deployment models used in today’s NFC marketplace. This makes mobile NFC services accessible to a much wider audience, including banks, service providers, mobile network operators, payment processors and card personalisation bureaus. We believe this is the next breakthrough in the adoption of mobile NFC services, which is already proven by the high demand for this solution from our customer base.”


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