BRED, VIALINK and Morpho bring digital services to the masses with Ipab

Electronic signatures have proven their worth in the B-to-B market, particularly when it comes to the secure management of cash flows between companies and banks over the Internet. With the development of new processes, it is now possible to offer this technology to private individuals. The new range of Morpho ypsID cryptographic keys can be used for authentication and signing with a digital certificate, without having to install software on users’ PCs and Macs.

Ipab provides account holders with an online space which receives and stores documents sent by its partners (banks, insurance companies and main utilities) and acts as the key to facilitate strong authentication and electronic signatures. This also means that the entire process is paper-free.

Ipab offers Internet users a secure personal space including:
– A digital certificate for strong authentication and electronic signatures
– An inbox for documents sent by Ipab platform partners (BRED to date)
– A digital safe

As VIALINK’s first Ipab partner, BRED will equip its customers with Morpho cryptographic USB keys to further secure sensitive banking transactions on its website, and payment transactions made by BRED-3DSecure bank card holders, to provide electronic bank statements, checks, and contracts, and to offer new services supporting online signatures via fixed and mobile devices.

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