Bring Your Own Device market opportunity to represent over 570 million security solutions

The Smart Insights Report “Smart authentication to tackle BYOD issues” establishes that BYOD software authentication solution shipments will reach 223 million units by 2018 (CAGR of 27%). In addition, BYOD hardware authentication solution shipments will reach 343 million units by 2018 (CAGR of 46%).

Artur Khakimov, analyst with Smart Insights and author of the report said, “Secure transactions technologies bring the needed level of security to tackle new issues appearing with the Bring Your Own Device trend.” Thierry Spanjaard, CEO of Smart Insights added, “All players in the Secure Transactions industry see BYOD as an opportunity. Our Smart Insights Report helps them size up the opportunity and establish strategies needed to benefit from these new market developments.” The report includes forecasts on each BYOD authentication solution shipments in volume.


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