certgate GmbH Becomes Latest European Member of OSPT Alliance

The new member plans to integrate the CIPURSE standard into its established product portfolio within the access and closed loop payments systems. This will enable it to offer customers an effective and efficient migration approach to delivering multiple-application products beyond these markets. This aligns with certgate’s strategy to place users at the centre of the ecosystem and connect to their operating system and services of choice.

“We believe that there is an increasing trend in the transit industry towards combined transport, payment and identification functions which require more flexible, more secure and above all more interoperable solutions,” comments Stefan Schmidt-Egermann, Head of Business Development at certgate. “As an independent supplier for security solutions on mobile terminal devices, joining OSPT Alliance was a logical next step for certgate as we look to develop our solutions on open standards. The work of the alliance perfectly aligns with our core business activity of securely realising new business possibilities such as facilitating cashless payments using near field communication technology.”

The company will join the alliance’s Marketing Working Group which aims to promote the benefits of an open standard and monitors industry trends to ensure CIPURSE evolves in line with market requirements today and in the future.

“We are delighted to welcome certgate as our latest member,” adds Laurent Cremer, Executive Director of OSPT Alliance. “certgate focuses on a number of vertical markets and will offer this specialist expertise to help OSPT Alliance work towards our future goal of providing multi-applications on additional form factors based on the CIPURSE open standard.”



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