Collaboration to Boost Mobile Payment Standardization

Koichi Tagawa, NFC Forum Chairman, and Liisa Kanniainen, Mobey Forum Executive Director, signed the agreement in Oulu, Finland. The two organizations share a common interest in fostering the successful use of mobile financial services, and the new agreement will enable progress toward this mutual objective. The Mobey Forum, whose members represent the entire Mobile Financial Services (MFS) Ecosystem, will communicate the critical business requirements of the financial community for consideration in open technical standards developed by the NFC Forum, many of whose members are mobile communications, semiconductor and consumer electronics companies. „“Financial services applications are among the key uses of NFC technology worldwide,““ said Mr. Tagawa. „“As the global industry association driving mobile financial services, the Mobey Forum will be an invaluable ally in making it easier for mobile users everywhere to perform a broad range of financial services transactions.““ The Mobey Forum Chairman Ron van Wezel of Deutsche Bank warmly welcomes the co-operation with NFC Forum: „“Together with NFC Forum we can develop standards and remove other barriers to support banks to go to market faster with mobile payment solutions that their clients are looking for. We believe that the enablement of open services, open provisioning and technical standards, facilitate the creation of new services for growth and healthy financial returns in the entire ecosystem.““ 

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