Cyber security collaboration agreement between ENISA, CEN and CENLEC

More specifically, the agreement covers

  • ENISA’s participation as observers in identified Technical Committees, their Working Groups and Workshops of CEN and CENELEC to support the preparation of European Standards
  • CEN and CENELEC’s evaluation of relevant ENISA research results and their transfer to standardisation activities
  • ENISA’s participation in and, if appropriate, chairing of relevant CEN and CENELEC Technical Committees, Working Groups and Workshops in accordance with the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations
  • The dissemination and promotion of information on publications, results, meetings, seminars
  • The provision of mutual support on promotional activities and establishing industrial contacts and research networks for network and information security standards-related tasks
  • The organisation of topical workshops, conferences and seminars addressing technology and research issues related to network and information security standardisation activities
  • The exchange of relevant information on identified topics of common interest

 ENISA’s Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht, said: “Recognised standards for Europe’s Network and Information Security (NIS) help to improve security. This step can increase Europe’s competitive edge as a provider of cyber security products and services. This is why ENISA’s role includes reinforcing work on European NIS standards. We already participate in a Cyber Security Coordination Group with CEN, CENELEC and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute. Our new agreement with CEN and CENELEC puts measures in place to further increase impact, including participation in working groups, sharing information, and factoring relevant ENISA’s research results into CEN and CENELEC’s standardisation activities.”


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