Digital Security Information via New Website

„“We want to help consumers learn more about what they can do with technology and how they can protect their personal information. That’s why we created It covers shopping and banking online, communicating, traveling and much more,““ said Paul Beverly, executive vice president of Marketing, Gemalto. features questions and answers by category (Traveling, Communicating, Surfing, Personal Data, Buying and Working), a monthly focus topic, digital security news and articles by industry leading bloggers and experts, as well as 3D animations showing how devices such as Wi-Fi routers work. The most frequently viewed questions are related to the loss of one’s mobile phone: „“Lost my phone! What about my contacts?““ and „“What can I do if my mobile phone is stolen?““ Another favorite centers around the security of social networking sites, blogs and the growing use of e-commerce. Visitors have shown particular interest in questions related to passwords and when to safeguard access to personal or financial information stored online: „“Are passwords safe?““ and „“No one knows my passwords. Why are passwords an identity theft risk?““ The majority of questions submittet – over 500 to date – concern personal data security, in particular saving a list of contacts or data from one device to another (telephone and PC for example). 

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