EMVCo Associates Programme Continues To Grow

ISIS®, McDonald’s Corporation and PAX Technology have joined as Technical Associates. These participants will focus on making contributions to technical and operational issues connected to the EMV Specifications and related processes.

Poste Italiane, Rede and United Nations Federal Credit Union (UNFCU) have joined as Business Associates. This engagement level is open to payment service providers, otherwise defined as payment card issuers and acquirers, carrying the risk of payment transactions, as well as their representative associations and networks. Within this category, these organisations will provide EMVCo with input on strategic business and implementation issues related to the use of the EMV Specifications.

National Credit Card Center of R.O.C., Pan-Nordic Card Association, and Verve International have joined in both a Business and Technical Associate capacity.

“We are delighted to see a broad spectrum of new organisations join and contribute their unique, individual expertise to the EMVCo Associates Programme,” comments Dave Meadon, current EMVCo Executive Committee Chair. “Industry engagement in the programme helps to further the global adoption of EMV through increased accessibility and understanding of the technology. We are particularly pleased to see six of the nine new organisations join as Technical Associates; this demonstrates real appetite from the industry to engage and comment on the activities of our working groups as they manage and evolve the EMV Specifications.”  


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